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    Kelsey Jang

    Kelsey Jang
    Kelly is a former Digital Marketing Intern who worked for the company in 2017. She is currently in her fourth year at the Sauder School of Business specializing in the fields of Marketing and Business Technology Management. She is enthralled to utilize my digital marketing, social media and customer service skills to significantly contribute to the ever-changing and fast-paced market industry.

    The Must-Read Guide for Advisors Seeking Greater Online Visibility

    Want to be found on Google? When people search for you on Google, does your website appear on the first, the second, or the twenty-second page? This ...

    Advisors Ask: The Best Ways to Engage with Generation X and Y with Sophia Bera

    In this Advisors Ask, we will be answering all of your questions related to how to best reach, engage, and interact with Generation X and Y. Learn ...


    Learn How Our Personalized Approach to Digital Marketing Will Take Your Business to the Next Level.