Most effective marketing techniques for financial advisors

Loic Jeanjean
Loic Jeanjean • Posted on Jun 9, 2010

Two months ago, we asked professionals of the financial services industry to go through a survey about marketing and advertising techniques. Over 600 advisors, financial planners and managers of financial/investment firms rated their most successful marketing tools, and shared their usage on social media.

We've broken down each question in a separate chart to provide as much information as possible:

What, in your opinion, is the most effective way to communicate with clients?

Marketing Techniques for Financial Advisors

What, in your opinion, is the most effective way to communicate with prospects?

Marketing Techniques for Financial Advisors

Which social networking websites are you using?

Marketing Techniques for Financial Advisors

Which social bookmarking websites are you using?

Marketing Techniques for Financial Advisors

Which social media websites are you using (photos and videos)?

Marketing Techniques for Financial Advisors

Who is responsible for managing online marketing campaigns within your organization?

Marketing Techniques for Financial Advisors

How would you rate your social media experience so far? Has it been worth your time and effort?

Marketing Techniques for Financial Advisors

In the next 12 months, does your organization plan to use Social Media more, less or the same amount you do now?

Marketing Techniques for Financial Advisors

Here are a few trends we've noticed:

  • E-mail marketing is still the preferred way to communicate with existing client (58%) along with Face-to-face events (58%). However Social media is climbing to the third spot with 33% .
  • LinkedIn remains the favorite social networking platform for advisors and financial services professionals with 67% of the people polled using it on a regular basis to network, share and engage with prospects.
  • More and more financial advisors are starting to use YouTube to share videos (42%). This is a significant increase compared to last year survey (only 27%).
  • Finally, 74% of the people surveyed will be using Social media more over the next 12 months. This confirms the positive results seen by a lot of advisors that have been using social media as part of their online marketing initiatives.

For additional research data and insights about online marketing, visit Support Portal.

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About Advisor Websites, A Snappy Kraken Company

Founded in 2012, we specialize in helping financial advisors stand out and grow their business online with conversion-friendly, personalized websites and targeted digital marketing solutions, all of which follow FINRA and SEC guidelines.

Disclaimer: The content of this article is for informational purposes only. If you are planning to implement a new marketing practice and are unsure what the regulations are, always contact your compliance department first.

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